Student Code Of Conduct
Board Policy 6.300, delegates to the Director of Schools the responsibility of developing specific codes of conduct which are appropriate for each level of school.1 Codes of conduct for students in pre-kindergarten or kindergarten shall utilize alternative disciplinary practices such as Positive Behavior Supports Program, Sanford Harmony Program, Why Try, Handle with Care, Restorative Practices, Refocus/Reflective behavior support plan, Behavior Intervention Manual, etc. Exclusionary discipline shall only be used as a measure of last resort.2 The development of each code shall involve principals and staff members of each level and shall be on evidence-based behaviors supports and interventions.3
The following levels of misbehavior and disciplinary procedures and options are standards designed to protect all members of the educational community in the exercise of their rights and duties and to maintain a safe learning environment where orderly learning is possible and encouraged.4 These misbehaviors apply to student conduct on school buses, on school property, and while students are on school-sponsored outings. Staff members have the authority to enforce the code of conduct3 and shall ensure that disciplinary measures are implemented in a manner that:5
- Balances accountability with an understanding of traumatic behavior;
- Teaches school and classroom rules while reinforcing that violent or abusive behavior is not allowed at school;
- Minimizes disruptions to education with an emphasis on positive behavioral supports and behavioral intervention plans;
- Creates consistent rules and consequences; and
- Models respectful, non-violent relationships.
In order to ensure that these goals are accomplished, the school district shall utilize the following trauma-informed discipline practices: Sanford Harmony Program, Why Try, Handle with Care, Restorative Practices, multi-tiered system of supports, and collaboration with the district Behavior Consultant as needed. Principals shall use appropriate discipline management techniques when enforcing the code of conduct.
This level includes minor misbehavior on the part of the student which impedes orderly classroom guidelines or interferes with the orderly operation of the school but which can usually be handled by an individual staff member.
Examples (not an exclusive listing)
- Classroom disturbances
- Classroom tardiness
- Cheating and lying
- Abusive language
- Failure to do assignments or carry out directions
- Wearing, while on the grounds of a public school during the regular school day, clothing that exposes underwear or body parts in an indecent manner that disrupts the learning environment6
- Victimization of any student (harassment (sexual, racial, ethnic, religious), bullying, cyber-bullying, and/or hazing)
Disciplinary Procedures
- The staff member intervenes immediately.
- The staff member determines what offense was committed and its severity.
- The staff member determines who committed the offense and if he/she understands the nature of the offense.
- The staff member employs appropriate disciplinary options.
- The record of the offense and disciplinary action shall be maintained by the staff member.
Disciplinary Options
- Verbal reprimand
- Special assignment
- Restricting activities
- Counseling
- Withdrawal of privileges
- Issuance of demerits
- Strict supervised study
- Detention
- In-school suspension
- Sanford Harmony Program, multi-tiered system of supports such as small group social skills, behavior contracts, self-monitoring plans, check-in/check-out systems, etc. and/or individualized counseling.
This level includes misbehavior whose frequency or seriousness tends to disrupt the learning climate of the school. These misbehaviors do not represent a direct threat to the health and safety of others but have educational consequences serious enough to require corrective action on the part of administrative personnel.
Examples (not an exclusive listing)
- Continuation of unmodified Level I misbehaviors
- Using forged notes or excuses
- Disruptive classroom behavior
Disciplinary Procedures
- The student is referred to the principal for appropriate disciplinary action.
- The principal meets with the student and the staff member.
- The principal hears the accusation made by the staff member and allows the student the opportunity to explain his/her conduct.
- The principal takes appropriate disciplinary action and notifies the staff member of the action.
- The record of offense and disciplinary action shall be maintained by the principal.
Disciplinary Options
- Teacher/schedule change
- Peer counseling
- Referral to outside agency
- In-school suspension
- Detention
- Suspension from school-sponsored activities or from riding school bus
- Out-of-school suspension
- Revisit and adjust system of support as needed to address specific behavior(s), consult with district Behavior Consultant if needed for additional support on function-based interventions, and/or behavior intervention plan if appropriate.
This level includes acts directly against persons or property but whose consequences do not seriously endanger the health or safety of others in the school.
Examples (not an exclusive listing)
- Continuation of unmodified Level I and II misbehaviors
- Fighting
- Vandalism (minor)
- Use, possession, sale, distribution, and/or being under the influence of tobacco
- Use, possession, sale, or distribution of drug paraphernalia
- Stealing
- Threats to others
- Victimization of any student (harassment (sexual, racial, ethnic, religious), bullying, cyber-bullying, and/or hazing)
Disciplinary Procedures
- The student is referred to the principal for appropriate disciplinary action.
- The principal meets with the student and the staff member.
- The principal hears the accusation and allows the student the opportunity to explain his/her conduct.
- The principal takes appropriate disciplinary action.
- The principal may refer the incident to the Director of Schools and make recommendations for consequences.
The record of offense and disciplinary action shall be maintained by the principal.
Disciplinary Options
- In-school suspension
- Detention
- Restitution from loss, damage, or stolen property
- Out-of-school suspension
- Social adjustment classes
- Transfer
- Revisit and adjust system of support as needed to address specific behavior(s), consult with district Behavior Consultant if needed for additional support on function-based interventions, and/or behavior intervention plan if appropriate.
This level of misbehavior includes acts which result in violence to another’s person or property or which pose a threat to the safety of others in the school. These acts are so serious that they usually require administrative actions which result in the immediate removal of the student from the school, the intervention of law enforcement authorities, and/or action by the Board.
If a student’s action poses a threat to the safety of others in the school, a teacher, principal, school employee, or school bus driver may use reasonable force when necessary to prevent bodily harm or death to another person.7
Examples (not an exclusive listing)8
- Continuation of unmodified Level I, II, and III misbehaviors
- Death threat
- Extortion
- Valid threat of mass violence on school property or at a school-related activity as determined by a threat assessment team*
- Bringing to school or being in unauthorized possession of a firearm on school property*
- Bomb threat*
- Possession, use, and/or transfer of dangerous weapons
- Assault
- Assault that results in bodily injury upon any teacher, principal, administrator, any other employee of the school, or a school resource officer*
- Aggravated assault*
- Vandalism
- Theft, possession, and/or sale of stolen property
- Arson
- Possession of unauthorized substances (e.g. any controlled substance, controlled substance analogue, or legend drug)*
- Use or transfer of unauthorized substances
- Use, possession, sale, distribution, and/or being under the influence of alcohol or drugs
- Victimization of any student (harassment (sexual, racial, ethnic, religious), bullying, cyber-bullying, and/or hazing)
- Electronic threat to cause bodily injury or death to another student or school employee
Disciplinary Procedures
- Law enforcement officials and the Director of Schools are immediately contacted, if applicable.9
- The principal confers with appropriate staff members and with the student.
- The principal hears the accusations and allows the student the opportunity to explain his/her conduct.
- The parent(s)/guardian(s) are notified.
- Recommendations are made to the Director of Schools.
- The principal notifies the staff members of the resolution.
- If the student’s placement is to be changed, adequate notice of the charges shall be given to the student and his/her parent(s)/guardian(s) and his/her right to appear at a hearing.
Disciplinary Options
- Other hearing authority or Board action which results in appropriate placement
- Revisit and adjust or increase system of support as needed to address specific behavior(s), consult with district Behavior Consultant if needed for additional support on function-based interventions, and/or behavior intervention plan if appropriate.
* Designates zero tolerance offense.