Staff Operations
- Absences
- Accident/Incident Reports
- Admission to TCS Extracurricular Activities
- Breaks
- Care/Use Of TCS Property
- Cash in TCS Buildings
- Checkout
- Child Abuse Reporting
- Classroom Security
- Communicable Disease/Bloodborne Pathogens/Infection Control Procedures
- Complaints
- Confidentiality
- Contracts and Compensation
- Conferences
- Copyright
- Criminal Records Check/Fingerprinting
- Curriculum
- Discipline and Discharge
- Drug-Free Workplace
- Emergency Closures
- Emergency Procedures and Diaster Plans
- Employee Assistance Program
- Evaluation Of Staff
- Fair Labor Standards Act
- Federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
- Fund Raising
- Gifts and Solicitation
- Guest Speakers/Controversial Speakers
- Harassment & Title IX
- Identification Badges
- Internet Use
- Inventory
- Job Sharing
- Jury Duty
- Keys
- Lesson Plans
- License Requirements
- Mail and Delivery Services
- Materials Distribution
- Meetings
- Parking/Traffic Controls
- Participation In Political Activities
- Petty Cash
- Personnel Records
- Planning Periods
- Progress Reports
- Purchase Orders
- Release Of General Staff Information
- Research/Copyrights and Patents
- Resignation Of Staff
- Retirement
- Sick Leave
- Sick Leave Bank
- Smoking
- Special Interest Materials
- Staff Conduct
- Staff Development
- Staff Dress And Grooming
- Staff Ethics
- Staff Health And Safety
- Staff Involvement In Community Activities
- Staff Involvement In Decision Making
- Staff/Parent Relations
- Staff/Student Relations
- Staff Room-Lounge
- Sunshine/Hospitality Committee
- Supervision Of Students
- Teaching About Religion
- Technology Resources
- Telephones
- Tobacco-Free Environment
- Tutoring
- Use Of Private Vehicles For TCS Business
- Vacancies/Transfers
- Vacations and Holidays
- Volunteers
Staff members unable to report to work for any reason must notify the school principal or assistant principal and the substitute coordinator as soon as possible to ensure that appropriate substitute arrangements may be made. Substitutes are assigned on a daily basis unless a longer duration is specified.
In order to facilitate continuity during absences, staff members unable to return to their duties the following day should contact the building principal as soon as the decision is made. Whenever possible, and as appropriate, substitutes will be retained during the course of your absence. Staff members may, at the time of the reported absence, request a particular substitute. Requests that a particular substitute not be called may be made in advance through the building principal. The principal will make final decisions regarding substitute use or non-use. Under no circumstances may staff members arrange coverage through personal arrangements with substitutes or others either for all day or for temporary absences from their duties.
Substitute coverage for absences during work hours due to illness or emergency will be arranged as needed upon notification to the building principal.
An absence report form must be completed and returned to the school office for all staff absences including absences due to school or TCS related activities. The building principal and the Chief Operating Officer must approve all absences.
Paid and unpaid leaves are provided in accordance with established Board policy and state law.
Accident/Incident Reports
All accidents/incidents occurring on TCS property, school buses or during the course of school sponsored activities, including field trips and other away events, are to be reported to the building principal immediately. Reports should cover property damage as well as personal injury Tullahoma City Schools carries workmen's compensation insurance for its employees. If either professional or support staff are injured on the job, contact the building principal or immediate supervisor, then file a claim with the personnel office. The claim must be reported and filed within 24 hours of the occurrence of the injury. Please contact Human Resources prior to visiting a physician for a workmen's compensation claim. There is a panel of approved physicians who are used for treatment of worker’s compensation claims. In the case of an injury requiring emergency treatment, an employee may go or be taken to the emergency room, or may be transported by ambulance. The principal and Human Resources should be contacted as soon as possible.
All accidents/incidents will be promptly investigated and corrective measures implemented as appropriate.
Admission to TCS Extracurricular Activities
Complimentary passes are provided to all staff attending school-sponsored extracurricular activities held in TCS. Staff are expected to assist in the supervision of students and in general crowd control as needed while attending such events. Staff members are representatives of TCS and are expected to act accordingly.
Scheduled breaks are provided to all support employees to ensure safety, efficiency and to meet the requirements of law. All support staff members who work four or more consecutive hours are entitled to one 15-minute break. Those working eight-hour days are entitled to two 15-minute breaks, one each four hours, and a thirty-minute lunch/dinner break. Employees are expected to adhere to the break schedule established by the building principal or immediate supervisor. Deviation from the regularly scheduled break period requires prior supervisor approval.
Care/Use Of TCS Property
All staff members are expected to exercise continuous and vigilant care of all TCS-owned property. Such items as computer and video equipment, typewriters and musical instruments are priority items for theft and damage.
Incidents of theft or willful destruction of TCS property through vandalism or malicious mischief should be reported immediately to the building principal.
Staff may check out certain TCS-owned equipment, including computers. Such equipment shall not be used for personal financial gain. In the event of loss or damage, a fee will be assessed by TCS according to the repair or replacement costs.
Cash in TCS Buildings
Money collected by staff as a result of fundraisers or other school related purposes shall be deposited in the office. At no time is money to be kept overnight or held during holidays or for long periods of time in classrooms. Staff members should emphasize to students the importance of promptly depositing money collected with appropriate school officials.
Work Day Checkout
Teachers may leave the building and grounds during lunch or preparation periods in necessary circumstances. Departures from the building must be reported to the building principal, assistant principal, or designee.
Support personnel are permitted to leave the building and grounds with the permission of the building principal or immediate supervisor.
All staff are required to check out/in with the office during the day. This will enable office staff to respond appropriately in the event of message and emergency situations that may arise.
Year End Checkout
The building principal will collect all staff keys at the completion of the school year unless assigned duties require continued access.
All professional staff will complete a checkout procedure.
- The following items are to be signed off by office staff:
- Student assessment sheets completed and turned in, including attendance and citizenship marks for all students.
- Copies of all finals, test/finals key and grading scales turned in to the office for students who need to make up final tests.
- The following item to be signed off by media staff:
- Library/Media equipment/materials checked-in.
- A list of any equipment/materials not checked in and replacement costs
- The following items are be signed off by principal/athletic director:
- All activities/athletic materials/equipment, including all team equipment and uniforms, checked in.
- A list of any equipment/materials not checked in and replacement costs.
- All year-end reports turned in including inventory, list of participants and award winners, records/competition results, etc.
- The following items are be signed off by office staff/building principal:
- Inventory all classroom furniture, equipment and textbooks/instructional materials stored in classroom. Retain one copy for classroom files and one copy to office.
- A list of any furniture, equipment/textbooks/instructional materials not accounted for and replacement costs.
- Furniture and equipment in need of repair has been labeled and list submitted to office.
- Room check completed. Desks, lab, shop equipment cleaned, blackboards erased, personal property removed and all TCS equipment and textbooks/instructional materials properly stored. Bulletin board materials and other materials posted on doors and wall have been
removed. - Daily class record books completed including:
- Teacher name, date and subject/class clearly marked;
- First and second quarter grades and final quarter test grades for first semester clearly marked;
- Third and fourth quarter grade and final quarter test grades for second semester clearly marked;
- First and second semester grades and final semester test grades clearly marked;
- Students not receiving a final grade and enrolled in class at any time are clearly marked as a drop or withdrawal as appropriate. Include grade earned to last date of enrollment in class;
- Grading scale, curve, etc. that indicates how grade was determined clearly marked for all classes/subjects;
- Total number of absences for each grading period and total cumulative absences for each semester clearly marked;
- Common curriculum goals/essential learning skills assessed clearly marked.
- Purchase orders for supplies, instructional materials and textbooks needed for start of next school year completed and turned in to the office;
- Student portfolios completed and stored in designated area (if applicable);
- Mailbox emptied;
- All keys marked and turned in to office;
- Summer address, phone number and alternate/emergency phone number turned in to office.
Child Abuse Reporting
Any staff member who knows or has reasonable belief that any child under 18 years of age has suffered abuse or neglect, or that any adult with whom he/she is in contact has abused a child, shall immediately orally report or cause an oral report to be made to the judge having juvenile jurisdiction or to the county office of the Department of Children’s Services or to the office of the chief law-enforcement official where the child resides. The building principal is also to be immediately informed.
For the purpose of this section, abuse includes:
- Physical;
- Neglect;
- Mental injury;
- Threat of harm; and
- Sexual abuse and sexual exploitation.
Failure to report suspected child abuse or to comply with the confidentiality of records requirements is a violation punishable by law and by TCS disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. Tennessee law provides that a staff member, who, based on reasonable grounds, participates in the good faith making of a child abuse report, shall have immunity from any liability, civil or criminal, that might otherwise be incurred or imposed as provided by law.
TCS Child Abuse Coordinator: Dr. Shannon Duncan
Classroom Security
When leaving the classroom, locker room or other work areas between classes or at the end of the day, teachers are expected to turn out the lights and secure all doors. Windows should also be secured at day's end. All staff are asked to refrain from keeping personal items of value in or about their desks. Purses should never be left unsecured. Students should be instructed to leave valuables at home. The TCS will not be responsible for the loss of, or damage to, personal property due to such causes as fire, theft, accident or vandalism.
Communicable Disease/Bloodborne Pathogens/Infection Control Procedures
The TCS provides for the reasonable protection against the risk of exposure to communicable disease to all staff while engaged in the performance of their duties. Infection control procedures, including provisions for handling and disposing of contaminated fluids have also been established through Board
policy and administrative procedures for staff and student protection.
All staff shall comply with measures adopted by TCS and with all rules set by the Tennessee Department of Health and the county health department.
Staff members have a responsibility to report to TCS when infected with a communicable disease unless otherwise stated by law.
HBV*/Bloodborne Pathogens Training and Immunization
Staff members designated as primary first aid providers, or who may otherwise incur occupational exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials in conjunction with their assigned duties as
determined by TCS, will receive appropriate information and training as follows:
- At the time of initial assignment to tasks where occupational exposure may take place;
- At least annually thereafter and within one year of their previous training;
- When changes such as modification of tasks or procedures or new tasks or procedures affect the staff member's occupational exposure.
Additionally, HBV vaccination will be made available free of charge to all staff. Report any occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens to the building principal and/or the school nurse. Following a report of an exposure incident, TCS will immediately make available to the exposed staff member a confidential medical evaluation and follow-up.
Infection Control Procedures
TCS has established appropriate hygienic and sanitation practices as follows:
- Standard precautions are to be followed at all times. Standard precautions require the assumption that staff and students approach infection control as if all direct contact with human blood and bodily fluids is know to be infectious for HIV*, HBV and/or bloodborne pathogens.
- Whenever possible, students should be directed to care for their own minor bleeding injury. This includes encouraging students to apply their own band-aids. If assistance is required, band-aids may be applied after removal of gloves if caregiver will not come into contact with blood or wound drainage.
- Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved gloves are required for all tasks in which an individual may come into contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials. Such tasks include cleaning body fluid spills, emptying trashcans, handling sharps/containers, handling contaminated broken glass, cleaning contaminated equipment and handling contaminated laundry/clothing. This also includes assisting with any minor wound care, treating bloody noses, handling clothes soiled by incontinence, diaper changing and cleaning up vomit.
- Immediate, complete and effective hand washing with soap and running water of at least 30 seconds duration should follow any first aid or health care given a student or contact with potentially infectious materials.
- If exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials occurs through coughing, any first-aid procedure or through an open sore or break in the skin, thorough washing, preferably with germicidal soap if necessary.
- In the event handwashing facilities are not readily available, thorough cleaning using an antiseptic cleanser and clean cloth/paper towels or antiseptic towelettes provided by TCS as an alternative is necessary. In the event alternatives are used, hands must be washed with soap and running water as soon as feasible.
- Any surface contaminated with blood or other potentially infectious materials must be cleaned after each use and at the end of the day with soap and water and then rinsed with an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)** approved disinfectant following labeling instructions for use, or a freshly made solution of one part bleach to nine parts water, and allowed to air dry. Other disinfectants as recommended by the Center for Disease Control may be used. These surfaces include equipment, counters, mats (including those used in physical education and athletic events), toys or changing tables.
- An EPA approved disinfectant must be used when cleaning fluids such as blood or vomit from the floor or other such contaminated surfaces.
- Contaminated laundry such as clothing and towels must be placed and transported in bags and containers in accordance with TCS standard precautions. All such items must be laundered in hot or cold water and soap and placed in a dryer.
- Needles, syringes, broken glassware and other sharp objects found on TCS property must not be picked up by students at any time, nor by staff without appropriate puncture-proof gloves or a mechanical device such as a broom, brush, and dust pan. Any such items found must be disposed of in closable puncture-resistant, leak proof containers that are appropriately labeled or color-coded.
- All wastebaskets used to dispose of potentially infectious materials must be lined with a plastic bag liner that is changed daily.
- Gloves and repellent gowns, aprons or jackets are required for tasks in which exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials can be reasonably anticipated to contaminate street clothing. Type and characteristics of such protective clothing will depend on the task. Such tasks may include diapering/toileting with gross contamination, assisting with wound care, sorting or bagging contaminated laundry/clothing and disposing of regulated waste with gross contamination.
- Maximum protection with gloves, face and/or eye protection and gowns are required whenever splashes, spray, spatter or droplets of blood or other potentially infectious materials may be generated and eye, nose or mouth contamination can be reasonably anticipated. Such tasks may include feeding a student with a history of spitting or forceful vomiting and assisting with severe injury and wound with spurting blood.
- If a first aid situation occurs, student should report to a person in authority, staff should report to a supervisor.
- HIV - Human Immunodeficiency Virus
- AIDS - Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
- HBV - Hepatitis B Virus
** Disinfectants which can be used include Lysol, Purex, Clorox, Tough Act bathroom cleaner, Dow bathroom cleaner, Real Pine liquid cleaner, Pine Sol, Spic and Span, Tackle liquid, Comet and
other products with EPA numbers.
Staff Complaints
Staff member complaints regarding a violation, misinterpretation or inappropriate application of TCS personnel policies and/or administrative regulations should be directed to the building principal/immediate supervisor for formal discussion and resolution.
If the complaint is not resolved informally, formal complaint procedures may be initiated by staff in accordance with Board policy and administrative procedures.
Student/Parent Complaints
TCS recognizes that complaints regarding staff performance, discipline, grades, student progress and homework assignments will be made by students and parents from time to time. Every effort will be made to ensure that such complaints are handled and resolved informally and as close to their origin as possible. Students, parents and others with complaints will be encouraged to discuss the complaint directly with the staff member. All such meetings should be held in confidence and not in the presence of others.
If the complaint is not informally resolved, staff should advise the complainant that he/she may submit the matter directly to the building principal or immediate supervisor, as appropriate. The complainant will be provided with necessary formal complaint procedure guidelines in accordance with Board policy.
When a complaint is made directly to the Board as a whole or to an individual Board member, it will be referred to the Director of Schools for appropriate building administrator follow-up. All staff members should familiarize themselves with Board policy regarding the handling of complaints.
All employees are to be aware of the requirement and the need for confidentiality in the discussion of students or student records. The Family Educational Rights Privacy Act (FERPA) sets the federal standards for information that can and cannot be shared concerning students and their families.
Employees shall not discuss students or student records with any person who has no protected right to such information.
All employees shall respect the confidentiality deserved by all other colleagues as well. Employees of Tullahoma City Schools shall not disclose information about colleagues obtained in the course of their professional service unless disclosure serves a compelling professional purpose or is required by law.
Employees shall not make false or malicious statements about a colleague.
Contracts and Compensation
All professionally licensed employees will be issued a written contract.
Salaries, including compensation for extracurricular assignments over and above the duties associated with a staff member's regularly assigned duties, will be determined in accordance with salary schedules and salary placement guidelines established by the Board and /or policies adopted by the Board which are consistent with salary schedules. It is the staff member's responsibility to provide all information necessary for placement on the salary schedule to Human Resources in accordance with timelines established by TCS.
Planned conferences between teachers and parents are essential to TCS efforts to further understanding and close cooperation between the home and school. Parent-teacher conferences are scheduled each fall and spring. The student may be included if the teacher or parent so desires.
Conferences should be treated as an opportunity for constructive, mutual exchange of information and ideas for the welfare and continued academic growth of the student.
Occasionally, teachers or parents may arrange for conferences outside regularly scheduled conference dates, to meet more immediate student needs. Teachers should be prepared to provide after-school or pre-school time to meet with students as necessary.
A variety of machines and equipment for reproducing materials to assist staff in carrying out their educational assignments are available to staff in both the school and home setting.
Infringement on copyrighted material, whether prose, poetry, graphic images, music audiotape, video or computer-programmed materials, is a serious offense against federal law, a violation of Board policy and contrary to ethical standards required of staff and students.
All reproduction of copyrighted material shall be conducted strictly in accordance with applicable provisions of law. Unless otherwise allowed as "fair use" under federal law, permission must be acquired from the copyright owner prior to reproduction of material in any form.
"Fair use" guidelines are as follows:
Fair Use
- Computer Software
- Performances
- Printed Materials
- Reproduction of Works for Libraries/Media Centers
- Sheet and Recorded Music
- Television-Off-the-Air Taping
Computer Software
Permissible uses — TCS employees may:
- Make a copy of an original computer program for the purpose of maintaining the availability of the program should it be damaged during use. Either the copy or the original may be retained in archives. Only one, either the original or the copy, may be used at any one time.
- Make a copy of a program as an essential step in using the computer program as long as it is used in conjunction with the machine and in no other manner.
- Make a new copy from the archival program in the event that the program in use is damaged or destroyed.
- Use a purchased program sent from a manufacturer labeled "archival" simultaneously with the original copy of the program provided its use is permitted (not excluded) by the terms of the sales agreement.
- Make an archival copy of a rightfully owned disk that is labeled "archival" by software manufacturer.
- Load a software program from a single disk into a distribution network or to individual standalone computers for simultaneous use when the distribution network is accessible to the owneruser if not otherwise prohibited by terms of a sales agreement.
- Adapt a copyrighted program from one language to another for which it is not commercially available or add features to a program to better meet local needs.
Prohibited uses — TCS employees may not:
- Load the contents of one disk into multiple computers at the same time in the absence of a license permitting the user to do so.
- Load the contents of one disk into local network or disk-sharing systems in the absence of a license permitting the user to do so.
- Make or use illegal copies of copyrighted programs on TCS equipment.
- Allow any student to surreptitiously or illegally duplicate computer software or access any database or electronic bulletin board.
- Make copies of software provided by a software publisher for preview or approval.
- Make multiple copies of copyrighted software (or a locally produced adaptation or modification) even for use within the school or TCS;
- Make replacement copies from an archival or back-up copy;
- Make copies of copyrighted software (or a locally-produced adaptation or modification) to be sold, leased, loaned, transmitted or even given away to other users;
- Make multiple copies of the printed documentation that accompanies copyrighted software.
With permission from the copyright holder, prohibitions may be significantly modified or removed altogether.
Printed Materials
Permissible uses — TCS employees may:
- Make a single copy of the following for use in teaching or in preparation to teach a class:
- A chapter from a book
- An article from a periodical or newspaper
- A short story, short essay or short poem, whether or not from a collective work
- A chart, graph, diagram, drawing, cartoon or picture from a book, periodical or
- newspaper
- Make multiple copies for classroom use (not to exceed one copy per student in a course) from the following:
- A complete poem, if it has fewer than 250 words and does not exceed two printed pages in length
- A complete article, story or essay of less than 2,500 words
- Prose excerpts not to exceed 10 percent of whole or 1,000 words, whichever is less
- One chart, graph, diagram, cartoon or picture per book or per issue of a periodical
- An excerpt from a children's book containing up to 10 percent of the words found in the text
All permitted copying must bear an appropriate reference. References should include the author, title, date and any other pertinent information and copyright notice.
Prohibited uses — TCS employees may not:
- Copy more than one work or two excerpts from a single author during one class term
- Copy more than three works from a collective work or periodical volume during one class term
- Copy more than nine sets of multiple copies for distribution to students in one class term
- Copy to create or replace or substitute for anthologies or collective works
- Copy "consumable" works, such as workbooks, exercises, standardized tests and answer sheets
- Copy the same work from term to term
- Copy the same material for more than one particular course being offered (may not copy every time a particular course is offered) unless permission is obtained from the copyright owner
All sound recordings, including phonograph records, audiotapes, compact discs and laser discs, will be treated under the same provisions that guide the use of print materials unless as may otherwise be excepted by regulations governing the reproduction of works for libraries/media centers.
Reproduction of Works for Libraries/Media Centers
Permissible uses -- TCS employees may:
- Arrange for interlibrary loans of photocopies of works requested by users, provided that copying is not done to substitute for a subscription to or purchase of a work;
- Make for a requesting entity, within any calendar year, five copies of any article or articles published in a given periodical within the last five years prior to the date of the request for the material;
- Make single copies of articles or sound recordings or excerpts of longer works for a student making a request, provided the material becomes the property of the student for private study, scholarship or research;
- Make a copy of an unpublished work for purposes of preservation, of a published work to replace a damaged copy of an out-of-print work that cannot be obtained at a fair price;
- Make off-the-air recordings of daily television news broadcasts for limited distribution to researchers and scholars for research purposes;
- Make one copy of a musical work, pictorial, graphic, sculptural work, motion picture or other audiovisual work if the current copy owned by the library/media center is damaged, deteriorated, lost or stolen; and it has been determined that an unused copy cannot be obtained at a fair price.
Prohibited uses -- TCS employees may not:
- Make copies for students if there is reason to suspect that the students have been instructed to obtain copies individually;
- Copy without including a notice of copyright on the reproduced material.
Sheet and Recorded Music
Permissible uses — TCS employees may:
- Make emergency copies to replace purchased copies which for any reason are not available for an imminent performance provided purchased replacement copies will be substituted in due course
- Make, for academic purposes other than performance, multiple copies (one per student) of excerpts not constituting an entire performance unit such as a section, movement or aria, but in no case nor more than 10 percent of the whole work
- Make for academic purposes other than performance, a single copy of an entire performable unit such as a section, movement or aria if confirmed by the copyright holder to be out of print or the "unit" in unavailable except in a larger work. The copy may be made solely for the purpose of scholarly research or in preparation to teach a class
- Edit or simplify printed copies which have been purchased provided that the fundamental character of the work is not distorted or the lyrics, is any, altered or lyrics added if none exist
- Copy complete works that are out of print or unavailable except in large works and used for teaching purposes
- Make a single copy of a recorded performance by students to be retained by the school or individual teacher for evaluation or rehearsal purposes
- Make a single copy of a sound recording, such as a tape, disc or cassette, of copyrighted music owned by the school or an individual teacher for constructing aural exercises or examinations and retained for the same purposes
Prohibited uses — TCS employees may not:
- Copy to create or replace or substitute for anthologies, compilations or collective works
- Copy works intended to be "consumable," such as workbooks, exercises, standardized tests and answer sheets
- Copy for the purpose of performance, except as noted above (A. 1.) in emergencies
- Copy to substitute for purchase of music except as noted above (A.1., 2. and 3.)
- Copy without inclusion of the copyright notice on the copy
Television-Off-the-Air Taping
Permissible uses — TCS employees may:
- Record a broadcast program off-air simultaneously with the broadcast transmission, including simultaneous cable or satellite re-transmission, and retain the recording for a period not to exceed the first 45 consecutive days after the date of the recording. A limited number of copies may be reproduced from each off-air recording to meet the legitimate needs of teachers. Each additional copy will be subject to all provisions governing the original recording. At the conclusion of the retention period, all off-air recordings shall be erased or destroyed immediately. Individuals who wish to retain programs beyond the 45-day period need to coordinate requests for permission to use or retain copyrighted television programs beyond the 45- day retention period with the building media specialist
- Retain videotapes of commercial programs only with written approval of appropriate copyright holders
- Use of off-air recordings once for each class in the course of relevant teaching activities and repeat once only when instructional reinforcement is necessary and only within the first ten consecutive school days of the 45-consecutive calendar day retention period
- Use off-air recordings for evaluation purposes only, after the first ten consecutive school days up to the end of the 45-consecutive calendar day retention periods. Evaluation purposes may include use to determine whether or not to include the broadcast program in the teaching curriculum
- Use off-air recordings made from a satellite dish if they conform to the 45-consecutive calendar day retention period established for broadcast or cable programming and are not subscription channels
- Use copies of off-air recordings, as stipulated in these guidelines, only if the copies include the copyright notice on the broadcast program
- Request that a library/media center record and retain for research purposes commercial television news programs from local, regional or national networks; interviews concerning current events; and on-the-spot coverage of news events. Documentary, magazine-format and public affairs broadcasts, however, are not included in the definition of daily newscasts of major events of the day. Requests for retention of programs recorded off-air will be directed to the producers of those programs directly through the network (not affiliate).
Prohibited Uses — TCS employees may not:
- Tape off-air programs in anticipation of an educator's requests
- Request that a broadcast program be recorded off-air more than once for the same educator, regardless of the number of times the program may be broadcast
- Use the recording for instruction after 45-consecutive calendar days
- Hold the recording for weeks or indefinitely because:
- Units needing the program concepts are not taught within the 45-day use period;
- An interruption or technical problem delayed its use; or
- Another teacher wishes to use it, or any other supposedly "legitimate" educational reason.
- Record programs off-air without written permission from the author/producer/distributor when a special notice is provided specifically prohibiting reproduction of any kind
- Alter off-air programs from their original content. Broadcast recordings may not be physically or electronically combined or merged to constitute teaching anthologies or derivative works. Off-air recordings, however, need not be used in their entirety.
- Exchange program(s) with other schools in TCS or other school districts without the approval of the media/library supervisor. Programs will be used for the specific curriculum application for which the request was intended. No other curriculum application is authorized.
- Use the recording for public or commercial viewing.
- Copy or use subscription programs transmitted via subscription television cable services, such as HBO or Showtime. Such programs are licensed for private home use only and cannot be used in public schools. "Pay" programs received via satellite dish are also subject to these prohibitions.
Criminal Records Check/Fingerprinting
All persons applying for a position as a teacher or for any other position requiring proximity to school children are required to file in writing, in advance of employment on forms provided by the Board, an application stating whether the applicant:
- Has been convicted of a misdemeanor or a felony in this state or in any other state;
- Has been dismissed for any of the following causes: incompetence; inefficiency; neglect of duty; unprofessional conduct and insubordination.
- Has or will provide a copy of a written resignation to the most recent local board where such person was employed at least thirty (30) days prior to the beginning date of such person's employment with the Board to which the application has been made.
Knowingly falsifying information shall be sufficient grounds for termination of employment and shall also constitute a Class A misdemeanor that must be reported to the District Attorney General for prosecution.
Additionally, all persons applying for any position requiring proximity to schoolchildren shall be required to:
- Agree to the release of all investigative records to the Board for examination for the purpose of verifying the accuracy of criminal violation information; and
- Supply a fingerprint sample and submit to criminal history records check to be conducted by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation.
Employment will be offered pending the return and disposition of such checks. All offers of employment are contingent upon the results of such checks.
Curriculum guides are available for all courses taught in TCS. Curriculum guides reflect a consistent and coherent structure for the education of TCS students.
The curriculum established for the courses and grade levels of TCS are based on State mandated standards and provide the flexibility necessary to meet the individual needs of students and their diverse learning rates and styles.
Deviations from established curriculum, textbooks, and instructional materials are not permitted without building principal approval. Teachers with questions should contact the building principal.
Though teaching methodology may vary, classroom instruction is expected to reflect "best practices" consistent with research on effective instruction.
Discipline and Discharge
Drug-Free Workplace
No staff member shall unlawfully manufacture, distribute, dispense, possess or use on or in the workplace any narcotic drug, hallucinogenic drug, amphetamine, barbiturate, marijuana or any other controlled substance or alcohol, as defined in schedules I through V of section 202 of the Controlled Substances Act 921 U.S.C. 812) and as further defined by regulation at 21 CFR 1300.11 through 1300.15.
"Workplace" is defined to mean the site for the performance of work done in connection with a federal grant or contract. That includes any school building or any school premises; any school-owned vehicle or any other school approved vehicle used to transport students to and from school or school activities; off school property during any school-sponsored or school-approved activity, event or function, such as a field trip or athletic event, where students are under the jurisdiction of the school district where work on a federal grant is performed.
Each staff member must notify his/her supervisor of his/her conviction of any criminal drug statute based on conduct occurring in the workplace, as defined above, no later than five days after such conviction.
Each staff member must abide by the terms of TCS drug-free workplace policy.
TCS, upon determining that a staff member has engaged in the manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use, on or in the workplace, of a controlled substance or alcohol or upon having reasonable suspicion of a staff member's use of a controlled substance or alcohol in the workplace, shall, pending any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace, take action with regard to the employee determined to be appropriate. Such action may include suspension, dismissal and/or referral for prosecution.
Within 30 days of a staff member's criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the
workplace, TCS shall:
- Take appropriate action with regard to the employee which may include discipline up to and including dismissal and/or;
- Require satisfactory participation by the employee in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved for such purpose by a federal, state or local health, law enforcement or other appropriate agency.
Required Alcohol and Drug Tests for Safety Sensitive Employees
In addition to the suspicion-based drug testing required by this policy for all employees, the Tullahoma City Schools require alcohol and drug testing for safety sensitive employees under the following circumstances:
- Pre-employment Screening: All safety sensitive employees must submit to a preemployment alcohol and drug screening after the Tullahoma City Schools make a conditional offer of employment and before they actually perform on duty functions as safety sensitive employees. If a prospective employee fails to pass the alcohol and drug screen, Tullahoma City Schools shall not hire the employee.
- Post-Accident: Any safety sensitive employee who is involved in a commercial or TCS motor vehicle accident in which there is a loss of human life, the employee receives a citation under state or local law for a moving traffic violation arising from the accident, or physical damage or personal injury occurs, shall submit to an alcohol or drug test as soon as practicable. Following the accident, the employee shall not consume alcohol in any form for at least eight (8) hours unless he or she is tested sooner. The employee shall remain available to give a drug test for at least hours following the accident.
- If an alcohol test is not administered within two (2) hours following the accident or a drug test is not administered within eight (8) hours following the accident, the immediate supervisor shall prepare and maintain on file a record indicating the reasons the test was not administered.
- Random: Safety sensitive employees will be randomly selected by a statistically valid method assuring that each safety sensitive employee has an equal chance of being selected. Tests will be conducted on an unannounced basis just before, during, and just after performance of on duty functions. A minimum of fifty (50%) percent of the safety sensitive TCS employees, or a percentage established by the FHWA, shall be tested randomly on an annual basis for alcohol and scheduled drugs.
Testing Methods
Whenever testing is required under the terms of this policy, testing shall be performed according to the protocols provided herein. Alcohol testing will be performed by using Evidential Breath Testing equipment (EBT). Blood alcohol tests may be used when it is not practicable to use an EBT. Tests may be performed either on or offsite in accordance with Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Guidelines.
Drug testing will be performed through analyzing an employee’s urine specimen. Tests may be performed either on or offsite in accordance with FHWA Guidelines. All positive drug test results will be reviewed and interpreted by a Medical Review Officer (MRO) before they report it to the Director of Schools. If an employee provides appropriate documentation and the MRO determines that a positive test is the result of legitimate medical use of a prescription or non-prescription drug, the MRO may report the drug test as negative or may require the employee to be retested.
Electronic mail capability among TCS staff exists for the purpose of enhancing communication to better perform tasks associated with their positions and assignments. Staff TCS Google Accounts are for official business only.
Because all computer hardware and software belong to the Board, all data including e-mail communications stored or transmitted on school system computers shall be monitored. Employees have no right to privacy with regard to such data. Confidentiality of e-mail communication cannot be assured. E-mail correspondence may be a public record under the public records law and may be subject to public inspection.
When an employee voluntarily leaves TCS, access to all TCS accounts, programs, and resources are closed 30 days after fulfillment of their commitment. This includes all applications associated with the Google Workspace Account: email address, google drive, google calendar, and any other Google product being used.
Emergency Closures
In the event of hazardous or emergency conditions all TCS schools or selected schools or grade levels may be closed or schedules altered to provide delayed openings of school and/or early dismissal of students as appropriate.
A one-call system and/or e-mail list to notify TCS staff will be used in the event of delayed openings or school closures. Additionally, the following radio/TV stations regularly report delayed openings and school closures:
- 101.5 FM
- WTN 99.7 FM
- CATV Channel 6
- NEWS Channel 5
- WKRN Channel 2
- WSMV Channel 4
- WSM 650 AM
- WJIG 740 AM
- WSM 95.5 FM
Emergency Procedures and Diaster Plans
All staff will be provided with a copy of the building’s emergency procedures plan detailing staff responsibilities in the event of such emergencies as disorderly behavior, unlawful assembly, disturbances at school activities, natural disasters, fire, illness or injury of a student or staff member and the authorized use of force on school property.
Employee Assistance Program
All staff members are eligible to participate in the Employee Assistance Program. The EAP is administered through Magellan Health. Free consultations are provided for stress management, coping with illness, alcohol and drug counseling, family problems, anger management, debt management, marital problems, or other life problems.
For assistance, contact:
Evaluation Of Staff
TCS uses the Project Coach evaluation model as approved by the Tennessee Department of Education.
Support staff will be formally evaluated once each year during their first two years of employment with TCS, then every other year thereafter.
Copies of the TCS evaluation procedures will be provided to all staff. Evaluation of all staff will be conducted in accordance with established Board policy and applicable TCS evaluation procedures, negotiated agreements and guidelines issued by the Tennessee State Board of Education.
Fair Labor Standards Act
As defined in TCS Board Policy 5.602, the regular workweek for all employees will be from 12:00 am Saturday until 11:59 pm Friday. Non-exempt employees are not to work before, beyond or outside their established working hours and are not to work overtime without prior authorization from the building principal.
All time sheets must be a true reflection of all time worked, whether it is more or less than regularly scheduled work hours.
Failure to comply will result in disciplinary action in accordance with applicable provisions of Board policy and/or administrative regulations.
Administrators, directors and/or supervisors shall give written notice to non-exempt employees, as defined by the Fair Labor Standards Act, of the Board's following expectations:
- What constitutes normal working hours;
- That employees are not to work before, beyond or outside their normal working hours or are not to work overtime without prior authorization;
- That employee time sheets be a true reflection of all time worked, whether it is more or less than normally scheduled hours;
- That a written corrective statement be given to employees not complying with established procedures.
Overtime is defined as time worked over 40 hours in one week. A week will be from 12:00 am Saturday until 11:59 pm Friday.
Federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
In accordance with federal law, staff members employed by TCS for the previous 12 months and who have worked at least 1,250 hours during the year preceding the start of the leave may be eligible for FMLA leave. The 1,250 hours must be hours actually worked.
Length/Purpose of Leave
Employees eligible for FMLA under federal law are entitled to take 12 work weeks of leave within a 12 month period for the:
- Birth of the employee's child (eligibility expires 12 months after the birth);
- Placement of a child for adoption or foster care; (eligibility expires 12 months after placement);
- Care of a spouse, child or parent with a serious health condition; or
- The staff member's own serious health condition.
Calculating the 12-Month Period for Leave
TCS will use the school year, July 1 through June 30, for calculating the 12-month period in which the 12 work week FMLA leave entitlement occurs for all employees.
Paid/Unpaid Leave
Family leave under federal law is generally unpaid. TCS requires the employee to use any accrued sick leave, vacation or personal leave days (or other paid time established by Board policy) before taking FMLA leave without pay for the leave period. TCS requires the employee to take any leave pursuant to state leave statutes (paid vacation leave, personal leave, sick leave or worker's compensation) concurrently with FMLA leave.
TCS will notify the employee about FMLA leave and that accrued paid leave shall be used during the leave period. Such notification will be given to the employee prior to the commencement of the leave or within two working days of the employee's notice of an unanticipated or emergency leave.
If TCS does not have sufficient information to make a determination of whether the leave qualifies as FMLA leave (the employee may be required to provide additional information to allow a determination of whether the leave qualifies under FMLA), TCS will provide the required notice promptly when the
information is made available, but no later than two working days after TCS has received the necessary information. Oral notices will be confirmed in writing no later than the following payday. If the payday is less than one week after the oral notice is given, written notice will be provided no later than the subsequent payday.
Staff members requesting FMLA leave shall submit to TCS a written request at least 30 days prior to the anticipated leave date if the leave is foreseeable based on planned medical treatment. The notice shall include the anticipated starting and ending dates of the requested leave and an explanation of the need for the leave. Staff members are expected to schedule treatment, including intermittent leave and reduced hours, so as not to unduly disrupt the operation of TCS.
If advanced notice of FMLA leave, under federal law, is not possible, for example due to a change in circumstances or medical emergency, notice must be given as soon as practicable. "As soon as practicable" means at least oral notification within one or two business days of when the need for leave becomes known to the employee.
Failure to provide the required notice for FMLA leave may result in TCS delaying the staff member's leave for up to 30 days after the notice is ultimately given.
Medical Certification
If the staff member provides 30 or more days notice when applying for FMLA leave, he/she may be required to provide medical documentation when appropriate to support the request for leave before the leave begins. TCS will provide written notice to employees of this requirement within three working days of the staff member's request for leave.
Under federal law, a second medical opinion at TCS expense may be required whenever TCS has reason to doubt the validity of the initial medical opinion. TCS may select the health care provider. Should the first and second medical certifications differ, a third opinion may be required. TCS and the employee will mutually agree on the selection of the health care provider for a third medical certification. The third opinion will be final. TCS will pay for second and third opinions and the actual travel expenses for a staff member to obtain such opinions.
If the leave is for the purpose of an employee's own serious health condition, he/she must also provide a fitness for duty medical release from the health care provider before returning to work. The employee shall be required to report periodically on the employee's status and intent to return to work.
Continuation of Health Insurance Benefits
Under FMLA leave, group health insurance benefits and premium payments will be continued on the same basis as coverage would have been provided and premiums paid in the absence of leave. TCS will continue to pay the district's contribution toward the employee's premium. If the employee uses accrued paid leave, premiums will continue to be deducted from the payroll. The employee will continue to pay the employee's share of premiums, if any. A 30-day grace period will be allowed for receipt of employee contributions. TCS obligation to maintain the employee's benefits will cease if the employee's contribution is more than 30 days late. TCS will provide written notice that the premium payment is more than 30 calendar days late. Such notice will be provided within 15 calendar days before coverage is to cease.
Return to Work
Following an FMLA leave, a staff member is generally entitled to be returned to his/her former position or to an equivalent job with equivalent benefits, pay and other conditions of employment, with certain exceptions. Contact Human Resources for details of this or any other provision of FMLA leave.
Fund Raising
Fund-raising activities to raise money for a wide variety of school activities and equipment are held at various times throughout the course of the school year. All fund-raising activities must be conducted under the direct supervision of staff or other authorized individuals and approved by the building principal prior to the activity being initiated. Fund raising activities that are prohibited include, but are not limited to, direct solicitation, sale of products, etc.
Fund-raising requests must include an explanation or justification for the proposal consistent with building and/or TCS goals. Fund-raising must not interfere with or disrupt school.
All money raised must be receipted and deposited.
Staff and students should take all reasonable precautions to provide for the security of any items/materials/products being sold. Staff members are directed to follow established building procedures for the depositing of funds collected. At no time should money collected be allowed to accumulate in classrooms, lockers or other unsecured areas.
Gifts and Solicitation
Staff members are to avoid accepting anything of value offered by another for the purpose of influencing his/her professional judgment.
Staff members are prohibited from accepting items of material value from companies or organizations doing business with TCS. Material value is defined by law as $100 or more from a single source in a single year.
No organization may solicit funds from staff members within the schools, nor may anyone distribute flyers or other materials related to fund drives through the school without building principal approval.
The solicitation of staff by sales people, other staff or agents during on-duty hours is prohibited without building principal approval. Any solicitation should be reported at once to the building principal.
Grievances shall be in writing according to established Board Policy. Please consult the Board Policy Manual in the principal’s office or in the library.
Guest Speakers/Controversial Speakers
Guest speakers may be used by teachers from time to time, when such use is consistent with educational goals and with a demonstrable relation to the curricular or co-curricular activity in which the participating students are involved. Teachers are expected to inform the building principal of the date, time and nature of the presentation whenever such use is planned.
Prior building principal approval is required whenever the guest speaker and/or presentation may be reasonably considered controversial.
Guest speakers should represent various approaches or points of view on a given topic in order to afford students a more comprehensive understanding of the issue.
Prior to his/her participation, guest speakers are to be informed of the following regulations:
- Profanity, vulgarity and lewd comments are prohibited.
- Smoking is not permitted on school grounds or while speaking to or consulting with students.
- Sexist, racist remarks or derogations of any group or individual are prohibited.
Teachers responsible for inviting a particular guest speaker have the right and obligation to interrupt or suspend the presentation if the conduct or content being presented is judged to be in poor taste or endangers the health and safety of students or staff.
Harassment & Title IX
Harassment is strictly prohibited on TCS property including non-TCS property while a staff member is at any TCS-sponsored, TCS-approved or TCS-related activity or function, such as field trips or athletic events, in which students are under the control of TCS or where the staff member is engaged in TCS business.
Harassment includes, but is not limited to, harassment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, age, disability and sex.
In order to maintain a safe, civil, and supportive learning environment, all forms of sexual harassment and discrimination on the basis of sex are prohibited. This policy shall cover employees, employees' behaviors, students, and students' behaviors while on school property, at any school-sponsored activity, on school-provided equipment or transportation, or at any official school bus stop in accordance with federal law. This policy shall be disseminated annually to all school staff, students, and parent(s)/guardian(s).2 The Title IX Coordinator as well as any personnel chosen to facilitate the grievance process shall not have a conflict of interest against any party of the complaint. These individuals shall receive training as to how to promptly and equitably resolve student and employee complaints.
All employees shall receive training on complying with this policy and federal law.
Title IX Coordinator
The Title IX Coordinator shall respond promptly to all general reports as well as formal complaints of sexual harassment. He/she shall be kept informed by school-level personnel of all investigations and shall provide input on an ongoing basis as appropriate.
Any individual may contact the Title IX Coordinator at any time using the information below:
Title: Jennifer Matlock, HR Specialist
Mailing address: 510 S. Jackson Street, Tullahoma TN 37388
Phone number: 931-454-2600
“Complainant” is an individual who is alleged to be the victim of conduct that could constitute sexual harassment.
“Respondent” is an individual who is reported to be the perpetrator of conduct that could constitute sexual harassment.
“Sexual harassment” is conduct on the basis of sex that satisfies one or more of the following:
- A school district employee conditioning an aid, benefit, or service of an education program or activity on an individual’s participation in unwelcome sexual conduct;
- Unwelcome conduct determined by a reasonable person to be so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it effectively denies a person equal access to the education program or activity; or
- Sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking as defined in state and federal law.
Behaviors that constitute sexual harassment may include, but are not limited to:
- Sexually suggestive remarks;
- Verbal harassment or abuse;
- Sexually suggestive pictures
- Sexually suggestive gesturing;
- Harassing or sexually suggestive or offensive messages that are written or electronic;
- Subtle or direct propositions for sexual favors; and
- Touching of a sexual nature.
Sexual harassment may be directed against a particular person or persons, or a group, whether of the opposite sex or the same sex.
“Supportive measures” are non-disciplinary, non-punitive, individualized services and shall be offered to the complainant and the respondent, as appropriate. These measures may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Counseling;
- Course modifications;
- Schedule changes; and
- Increased monitoring or supervision.
The measures offered to the complainant and the respondent shall remain confidential to the extent that maintaining such confidentiality would not impair the ability of the school district to provide the supportive measures.
Grievance Process
Upon learning of an instance of alleged sexual harassment, even if no formal complaint is filed, the Title IX Coordinator shall:
- Promptly contact the complainant to discuss the availability of supportive measures;
- Consider the complainant’s wishes with respect to supportive measures;
- Inform the complainant of the availability of supportive measures; and
- Explain the process for filing a formal complaint.
While the school district will respect the confidentiality of the complainant and the respondent as much as possible, some information may need to be disclosed to appropriate individuals. All disclosures shall be consistent with the school district’s legal obligations and the necessity to investigate allegations of harassment and take disciplinary action.
Disciplinary consequences or sanctions shall not be initiated against the respondent until the grievance process has been completed. Unless there is an immediate threat to the physical health or safety of any student arising from the allegation of sexual harassment that justifies removal, the respondent’s placement shall not be changed. If the respondent is an employee, he/she may be placed on administrative leave during the pendency of the grievance process. The Title IX Coordinator shall keep the Director of Schools informed of any employee respondents so that he/she can make any necessary reports to the State Board of Education in compliance with state law.
Any individual who has knowledge of behaviors that may constitute a violation of this policy shall immediately report such information to the Title IX Coordinator; however, nothing in this policy requires a complainant to either report or file a formal complaint within a certain timeframe. If the complaint involves the Title IX Coordinator, the complaint shall be filed with the Director of Schools.
If a complaint involves allegations of child abuse, including child abuse on school grounds, appropriate notification shall be made per the board policy on reporting child abuse.
Upon receipt of a formal complaint, the Title IX Coordinator shall promptly:
- Provide written notice of the allegations, and the grievance process to all known parties to give the respondent time to prepare a response before an initial interview;
- Inform the parties of the prohibition against making false statement or knowingly submitting false information;
- Inform the parties that they may have an advisor present during any subsequent meetings; and
- Offer supportive measures in an equitable manner to both parties.
If the Title IX Coordinator dismisses a complaint, written notice, including the reasons for dismissal, shall be provided to both parties simultaneously.
Jennifer Matlock, HR Specialist, shall serve as the investigator and be responsible for investigating complaints in an equitable manner that involves an objective evaluation of all relevant evidence. The burden for obtaining evidence sufficient to reach a determination regarding responsibility rests on the school district and not the complainant or respondent.
Once a complaint is received, the investigator shall initiate an investigation within forty-eight (48) hours of receipt of the complaint. If an investigation is not initiated within forty-eight (48) hours, the investigator shall provide the Title IX Coordinator with appropriate documentation detailing the reasons why the investigation was not initiated within the required timeframe.
All investigations shall be completed within twenty (20) calendar days from the receipt of the initial complaint. If the investigation is not complete within twenty (20) calendar days, the investigator shall provide the Title IX Coordinator with appropriate documentation detailing the reasons why the investigation has not been completed.
All investigations shall:
- Provide an equal opportunity for the parties to present witnesses and evidence;
- Not restrict the ability of either party to discuss the allegations under investigation or gather and present relevant evidence;
- Refrain from requiring, allowing, relying upon, or otherwise using questions or evidence that seek disclosure of information protected under a legally recognized privilege unless such privilege has been waived;
- Provide the parties with the same opportunities to have others present during any grievance proceeding;
- Provide to parties whose participation is requested written notice of the date, time, location, participants, and purpose of all investigative interviews, or other meetings, with sufficient time for the party to prepare to participate;
- Provide both parties an equal opportunity to inspect and review any evidence directly related to the allegations in the formal complaint; and
- Result in the creation of an investigative report that fairly summarizes relevant evidence.
- Prior to the completion of the investigative report, the investigator shall send to each party the evidence subject to inspection and review. All parties shall have at least ten (10) days to submit a written response which shall be taken into consideration in creating the final report.
Within the parameters of the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, the Title IX 1 Coordinator shall keep the complainant and the respondent informed of the status of the investigation process. At the close of the investigation, a written final report on the investigation will be delivered to the parent(s)/guardian(s) of the complainant, parent(s)/guardian(s) of the respondent, and to the Director of Schools.
Determination of Responsibility
The respondent is presumed not responsible for the alleged conduct until a determination regarding responsibility is made at the conclusion of the grievance process. The clear and convincing evidence standard shall be used in making this determination.
Dr. April Norris, Deputy Director of Schools shall act as the decision-maker. He/she shall receive the final report of the investigation and allow each party the opportunity to submit written questions that he/she wants asked of any party or witness prior to the determining responsibility.
The decision-maker shall make a determination regarding responsibility and provide the written determination to the parties simultaneously along with information about how to file an appeal.
A substantiated charge against a student may result in corrective or disciplinary action up to and including expulsion. A substantiated charge against an employee shall result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.
After a determination of responsibility is made, the Title IX Coordinator shall work with the complainant to determine if further supportive measures are necessary. The Title IX Coordinator shall also determine whether any other actions are necessary to prevent reoccurrence of the harassment.
Either party may appeal from a determination of responsibility based on a procedural irregularity that affected the outcome, new evidence that was not reasonably available at the time of the determination that could affect the outcome, or an alleged conflict of interest on the part of the Title IX Coordinator or any personnel chosen to facilitate the grievance process. Appeals shall be submitted to the Title IX Coordinator within ten (10) days of a determination of responsibility.
Upon receipt of an appeal, the Title IX Coordinator shall:
- Assign an impartial hearing officer within five (5) days of receipt of the appeal; and
- Notify the parties in writing.
During the appeal process, the parties shall have a reasonable, equal opportunity to submit written statements. Within ten (10) calendar days, the hearing officer shall issue a written decision describing the result of the appeal and the rationale for the result. The written decision shall be provided simultaneously to both parties.
A staff member whose behavior is found to be in violation of Board policy may be subject to discipline up to and including dismissal. A student whose behavior is found to be in violation of Board policy may be subject to discipline up to and including expulsion.
Any staff member who is subject to, or knows of, such harassment is directed to notify the building principal or Title IX Coordinator or superintendent immediately. If the complaint is not satisfactorily settled, the staff member may file a complaint directly with the Tennessee Department of Labor, Civil Rights Division or with the U.S. Department of Labor, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Such complaints may also be filed with the appropriate enforcement agency, in lieu of TCS complaint process, at any time, as provided by law.
There will be no retaliation by TCS against any person who, in good faith, reports harassment.
Identification Badges
Internet Use
Job Sharing
Job sharing is defined as the sharing and occupation of a single staff position by two individuals with each assignment being half time.
TCS overall cost of a job share may not exceed that of one full-time equivalency.
Job sharing requests are considered on an individual basis and subject to superintendent approval.
Jury Duty
When a teacher is summoned for jury duty s/he shall appear in court and specify a seven (7) day period within twelve months that s/he will be available for jury duty. The following procedures shall regulate the leave for jury duty for teachers:
- The teacher shall present written evidence that s/he had been summoned to serve on a jury; and,
- The teacher shall be entitled to the usual compensation, less the amount paid by the court.
Support personnel called for jury duty or who serve as court witnesses shall present the subpoena or other documents which give reporting instructions to the immediate supervisor. The employee shall obtain a form indicating the days served and the court pay to be received from the court's clerk for submitting to the payroll office. The employee shall receive the usual compensation less the amount paid by the court.
Court Appearances
If a teacher appears in state/federal court because of a personal interest, whether as a plaintiff, defendant or witness or voluntarily appears on behalf of family or friends, or when a teacher is required to appear in court either as a defendant or plaintiff or witness in a civil case, personal leave or leave without pay shall be granted in accordance with the established board policies on leaves.
If a teacher is summoned to court as a result of the teacher’s regular job duties, the teacher may request professional leave.
Keys may be issued to staff by the building principal. In order to protect property, students and staff, and to ensure the building is adequately secured when no authorized personnel are present, all staff are expected to follow the following key control procedures:
- The duplication of keys is prohibited.
- Keys are not to be left unattended. Avoid leaving keys on desks, tables, in mailboxes, unattended coat pockets, or other public areas.
- Keys may not be loaned to students or to individuals not employed by TCS. Under no circumstances should staff provide keys to students to "run errands", "unlock/lock" doors, or other actions.
- Lost or stolen keys must be reported to the building principal within 24 hours of discovery of the loss or theft so that measures may be taken to protect TCS property. Three days will be allowed for the finding or recovery of keys before any charges are assessed.
- Charges for lost or stolen keys may be made to the staff member to whom the key(s) have been issued.
- All keys are to be checked in at the end of the school year. Staff with summer duties necessitating building access may make arrangements with the building principal to keep their keys as appropriate.
Lesson Plans
The quality of the instructional program reflects the effort invested by teachers in developing lesson plans consistent with TCS curriculum and appropriate to the individual needs of students.
Teachers are expected to prepare lesson plans on a weekly basis. Lesson plans are to be kept by teachers in a place known to and accessible to the building principal. Teachers may be required to provide copies of lesson plans to the office at reasonable times and intervals as determined by the building principal.
Lesson plans should be of sufficient length and substance to allow a substitute teacher to carry on the course of study and to provide a means by which the building principal may monitor instruction to assure that the educational program in a particular class or activity is consistent with the TCS-approved course of study.
An up-to-date seating chart, class schedules and information identifying any classroom student aides or other special student needs should be included in all lesson plan books.
General plans that cover the length of the course of study should also be prepared and readily available for building principal and/or student and parent review.
License Requirements
Teachers offered employment in TCS must present their original or online teaching license to Human Resources.
Applicants who fail to present their license prior to the beginning of school or the first day employment is to begin will not be employed until such license has been submitted.
Licensed staff are required to submit copies of all license endorsements to Human Resources. It is the responsibility of each licensed staff member to keep his/her license and all endorsements current. Teachers are cautioned that failure to maintain license and endorsements may invalidate their contract
with TCS.
Mail and Delivery Services
The interschool mail service is established for school-related purposes. It provides a central mailing service to expedite the distribution of materials and professional communications among schools and staff.
To avoid overburdening the service, staff are requested to limit the use of interschool mail for the delivery of personal letters, notes or materials to other employees.
Professional employee organizations may use the service in accordance with Board policy on the use of school facilities.
All staff are to check their mailboxes and remove mail daily. Students should not pick up mail from staff mailboxes.
TCS mailing and postage may be used for school district business only.
Materials Distribution
Requests by individuals or groups to distribute pamphlets, booklets, flyers, brochures and other similar materials to students for classroom use or to take home shall be referred to the Director of Schools. The materials and proposed method of distribution will be reviewed and a decision made based on the educational concerns and interests of TCS.
Staff meetings are scheduled for the purpose of organization and communication of business that typically cannot be handled through staff bulletins, departmental or committee structure.
All staff are expected to attend staff meetings unless prior arrangements have been made with the building principal. Staff members are expected to schedule their time accordingly to not conflict with these meetings.
Meetings sponsored or called by professional employee organization during contract hours are subject to prior approval of the building principal. Attendance of staff members at such meetings is left to the discretion of each employee.
Parking/Traffic Controls
Participation In Political Activities
Staff members may exercise their right to participate fully in affairs of public interest on a local, county, state and national level on the same basis as any citizen in public or private employment and within the
Staff members may, within the limitation imposed by state and federal laws and regulations, choose any side of a particular issue and support their viewpoints as they desire by vote, discussion or persuading others. Such discussion and persuasion, however, may not interfere with TCS duties.
When expressing opinions, staff members are expected to make clear that the viewpoints they represent are personal and are not to be interpreted as TCS official viewpoint.
No staff member may use TCS facilities, equipment or supplies in connection with his/her campaigning, nor may he/she use any time during the working day for campaign purposes.
Petty Cash
In order to expedite the purchase of minor school supplies, postage, freight and other emergency items, a petty cash account has been established. Staff members may purchase items costing less than $25 with prior approval from the building principal.
Expenditures from petty cash are drawn from budgeted line item accounts and may be authorized only as such funds are available to cover the cost of the purchase.
Requests for reimbursement for approved purchases may be authorized only upon submission of appropriate receipts to the business manager. Requests must be submitted no later than 10 days of the purchase or approval for the reimbursement will be denied.
Personnel Records
The following personnel records shall be maintained for all employees as appropriate:
- Employee applications and contracts;
- Professional certificates and other documents required by state and federal laws and regulations;
- Evaluations;
- Cumulative information files; and
- INS Form I-9.
The following guidelines shall be followed:
- Information contained in personnel records shall be limited to job-related matters.
- Employees shall be granted an opportunity to respond in writing to material placed in records.
- Employee records are public records, except for matters deemed confidential by law, and shall be open for inspection during regular business hours.
- Members of the public may not obtain an employee's unpublished telephone number, bank account information, social security number or driver license information except where driving or operating a vehicle is considered to be a part of the employee's duties, unless release of this information is expressly authorized by the employee.
- A record of the person inspecting and the date of inspection shall be recorded.
- Copies of records may be made under rules determined by the superintendent.
All records containing medical condition information such as workers' compensation reports and release/permission to return to work forms will be kept confidential, in a separate file from personnel records.
Planning Periods
Planning time is incorporated into the teaching day for each instructional position. The building principal, in emergency or unusual circumstances, may direct instructional staff to temporarily assume duties during this time. Planning time is for the purpose of developing the instructional program. Teachers must inform the principal or designee when leaving the building during planning time.
Progress Reports
Teachers are expected to report their students' progress to the students and their parents. Progress reports are issued at the mid-way point of the first, second, third and fourth quarter grading periods indicating academic and citizenship progress to date.
Such reports may be issued at other times during the course of a grading period as deemed appropriate by teachers.
Forms are available in the office.
No grade of "D" or "F" should be issued without a progress report having been sent home notifying the student and their parents of academic deficiencies.
Purchase Orders
No obligation may be incurred by any staff member unless that expenditure has been authorized in the budget or as may otherwise be permitted by Board action and/or Board policy.
No purchase including purchases from student body funds will be authorized unless covered by an approved purchase order. Forms are available in the office.
All building purchase orders will be processed in the order received by the business office and must be completed with the following information:
- Date
- Vendor
- Delivery address
- Item quantity
- Item description
- Unit value
- Total amount
- Budget code
- Name of requestor
- Signature of individual authorized to sign purchase orders.
All other purchases are subject to the Board's policy governing Bidding Requirements, and administrative regulations specifying exemptions from competitive bidding and such other requirements as may be specified by law. Staff members with questions should contact the business manager for details.
Release Of General Staff Information
Employee records are public records, except for matters deemed confidential by law, and shall be open for inspection during regular business hours. An employee home address and telephone number are now considered confidential and may not be disclosed without the employee’s permission.
Members of the public may not obtain an employee's unpublished telephone number, bank account information, social security number or driver's license information except where driving or operating a vehicle is considered a part of the employee's duties, unless release of this information is expressly authorized by the employee.
TCS may also disclose information about a former employee's job performance to a prospective employer under the following conditions:
- Disclosure of information is upon the request of the prospective employer; or
- Disclosure of information is upon the request of the former staff member; and
- The information is related to job performance.
TCS will not disclose information that is knowingly false, deliberately misleading, rendered with malicious purpose or is in violation of the staff member's civil rights.
Research/Copyrights and Patents
Staff members engaged in a research project during the work day or who use TCS resources or students, either for study toward advanced work or for use in classroom instruction, may do so only with the prior approval of the building principal.
Privacy rights of students or other individuals involved in such research projects must be maintained.
Publications, instructional materials, articles, models and other devices prepared by staff members for TCS use with TCS time, money and facilities as part of the employee's job responsibilities remain the property of TCS.
In the event that a staff member produces items described above partly on his/her own time and partly on TCS time, TCS reserves the right to claim full ownership. The employee may petition TCS for assignment of copyright or patent rights. Employees may not attempt to copyright or patent such items without the knowledge and consent of TCS.
Resignation Of Staff
A teacher shall give the superintendent notice of resignation at least thirty (30) days before the effective date of the resignation. A teacher who fails to give such notice, in the absence of justifiable extenuating circumstances, shall forfeit all tenure status. The Board may waive the thirty (30) days notice requirement
and permit a teacher to resign in good standing.
The conditions under which it is permissible to break a contract with the Board are as follows:
- The incapacity on the part of the teacher to perform the contract as evidenced by the certified statement of a physician approved by the Board;
- The release by the Board of the teacher from the contract that the teacher has entered into with the Board.
Any teacher on leave shall notify the superintendent in writing at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of return if the teacher does not intend to return to the position from which he/she has taken leave. Failure to render such notice may be considered a breach of contract.
Support personnel shall give the immediate supervisor written notice of resignation at least two (2) weeks (ten (10) working days) in advance of the effective date of voluntar
Tullahoma City Schools participates in the State of Tennessee Hybrid Retirement Plan. The Hybrid Plan is a combination of a defined benefit plan (TCRS) and a 401(k) deferred compensation plan. Tullahoma City Schools adopted the Hybrid Plan for employees hired on or after July 1, 2014. The Hybrid Plan provides required participation for all full time employees hired on or after January 1, 2017. A Hybrid Plan member who has met the vesting requirements for TCRS will receive a retirement benefit that will consist of a calculated monthly payment from TCRS and the accumulated balance in the member’s 401(k) plan. Please contact Human Resources for additional information.
Sick Leave
Sick leave shall be defined as: illness of a teacher from natural causes or accident, quarantine, or illness or death of a member of the immediate family of a teacher, including the teacher's spouse, parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren, brothers, sisters, mother-in-law, father-in-law, daughter-in-law,
son-in-law, brother-in-law, and sister-in-law.
The time allowed for sick leave for professional/support personnel shall be one (1) day for each month employed during the school year. Professional personnel and support staff shall accumulate sick leave for an unlimited number of days.
A signed statement listing the cause of absence on forms furnished by the Director shall promptly be given by the employee to the immediate supervisor in support of all claims for sick leave pay. A falsified statement shall be grounds for dismissal. A certificate from the physician on forms furnished by the Board may be required in support of any claim for sick leave pay.
A teacher, upon employment, may transfer his/her accumulated sick leave from another Tennessee school system unless the teacher was terminated for cause or breaks a contract without justifiable reason, provided that the superintendent of the system in which the accumulated leave was held provides notarized verification.
Sick leave for maternity purposes may be taken during the period of physical disability only. This period of disability is considered to be thirty (30) days unless there are medical complications adding to the time of disability. A request for any additional days beyond thirty shall be accompanied by a doctor’s statement of disability. A teacher may use up to thirty (30) days of accumulated sick leave for the adoption of a child. If both adoptive parents are teachers only one parent may request leave. Written verification from the adoption agency or other entity handling the adoption shall be required before the leave is granted.
Sick Leave Bank
Tullahoma City Schools provides access to a sick leave bank under state guidelines for full-time. To join, a member shall contribute two (2) days the first year of employment, and one (1) day the second year of employment to the bank. To request days from the bank, a member must have exhausted all paid leave (sick leave, vacation, and/or personal leave), and have taken five days of leave without pay. Leave from the bank may be requested in increments of five to twenty days and will be accompanied by a doctor’s statement of disability.
Tennessee Code Annotated, Section 39-17-1604 (2000) prohibits smoking in all public and private kindergarten, elementary and secondary schools. Adult staff members are, however, permitted to smoke outdoors, but not within 50 feet of any entrance into the building, and on school grounds after school hours, but not blocking any entrance to any building and not in any public seating area, bleachers for sporting events, or public restrooms.
Special Interest Materials
Supplementary materials from non-school sources require building principal approval prior to their use in school. This includes educational films and all video rentals secured from or through commercial sources.
Generally, materials that are of obvious educational quality, that supplement and enrich instructional and reference materials for definite school courses, and are timely may be considered for approval.
Staff Conduct
All staff are expected to conduct themselves at all times in a manner that conforms to Board policy and administrative procedures.
Additionally, all licensed staff are expected to adhere to the Tennessee Educator's Association Code of Ethics of the Education Profession.
The educator, believing in the worth and dignity of each human being, recognizes the supreme importance of the pursuit of truth, devotion to excellence and the nurture of democratic principles. Essential to these goals is the protection of freedom to learn and to teach and the guarantee of equal educational opportunity for all. The educator accepts the responsibility to adhere to the highest ethical standards.
The educator recognizes the magnitude of the responsibility inherent in the teaching process. The desire for the respect and confidence of one’s colleagues, of students, of parents and of the members of the community provides the incentive to attain and maintain the highest possible degree of ethical conduct.
The Code of Ethics of the Education Profession indicates the aspiration of all educators and provides standards by which to judge conduct.
Principle I - Commitment to the Student
The educator strives to help each student realize his or her potential as a worthy and effective member of society. The educator therefore works to stimulate the spirit of inquiry, the acquisition of knowledge and understanding and the thoughtful formulation of worthy goals.
In fulfillment of the obligation to the student, the educator:
- Shall not unreasonably restrain the student from independent action in the pursuit of learning.
- Shall not unreasonably deny the student access to varying points of view.
- Shall not deliberately suppress or distort subject matter relevant to the student’s progress.
- Shall make reasonable effort to protect the student from conditions harmful to learning or to health and safety.
- Shall not intentionally expose the student to embarrassment or disparagement.
- Shall not on the basis of race, color, creed, sex, national origin, marital status, political or religious beliefs, family, social or cultural background or sexual orientation unfairly.
- Exclude any student from participation in any program.
- Deny benefits to any student.
- Grant any advantage to any student.
- Shall not use professional relationships with students for private advantage.
- Shall not disclose information about students obtained in the course of professional service, unless disclosure serves a compelling professional purpose or is required by law.
Principle II - Commitment to the Profession
The education profession is vested by the public with a trust and responsibility requiring the highest ideals of professional service.
In the belief that the quality of the services of the education profession directly influences the nation and its citizens, the educator shall exert every effort to raise professional standards, to promote a climate that encourages the exercise of professional judgment, to achieve conditions which attract persons worthy of
the trust to careers in education, and to assist in preventing the practice of the profession by unqualified persons.
In fulfillment of the obligation to the profession, the educator:
- Shall not in an application for a professional position deliberately make a false statement or fail to disclose a material fact related to competency and qualifications.
- Shall not misrepresent his or her professional qualifications.
- Shall not assist entry into the profession of a person known to be unqualified in respect to character, education or other relevant attribute.
- Shall not knowingly make a false statement concerning the qualifications of a candidate for a professional position.
- Shall not assist a non-educator in the unauthorized practice of teaching.
- Shall not disclose information about colleagues obtained in the course of professional service unless disclosure serves a compelling professional purpose or is required by law.
- Shall not knowingly make false or malicious statements about a colleague.
- Shall not accept any gratuity, gift, or favor that might impair or appear to influence professional decisions or action.
Staff Development
The Board recognizes the importance of continued educational experiences and other professional growth activities as a means to improve job performance.
Professional growth experiences may include, but are not limited to, college courses, workshops, curriculum planning, individual research, travel, supervision of teacher trainees and other such activities.
All requests for release time from regular work duties for attendance at meetings or conferences will be decided based on such factors as availability of funds, consistency with TCS and building goals and job assignment. Requests require prior building principal approval. Forms are available in the office.
Staff Dress And Grooming
All staff are expected to be neat, clean in appearance and to wear appropriate dress for work that is in good taste and suitable for the job at hand.
Teaching as a profession demands setting a good example for students in every possible way. As adults and professionals, teachers are expected to be guided in their grooming habits by what is most generally acceptable in the business and professional world.
Staff Ethics
Staff members are prohibited from engaging in, or having a financial interest in, any activity that may be perceived as a conflict of interest with their duties and responsibilities as employees of TCS.
This means that:
- Staff members shall not solicit for financial remuneration from students, parents or other staff.
- Any device, publication or any other item developed during the staff member's paid time shall be TCS property.
- Staff members shall not further personal gain through the use of confidential information gained in the course of or by reason of their position or activities in any way.
Staff members are prohibited from performing any duties related to an outside job during their regular working hours or during the additional time needed to fulfill the position's responsibilities. TCS facilities, equipment or materials may not be used in performing outside work.
Staff Health And Safety
In order to assure the safety of staff and students, information and/or training as necessary is provided to assist all staff to recognize and to respond appropriately to the presence of hazardous materials in the workplace, including proper handling, labeling, storage and disposal of such materials.
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), which accompany any hazardous substance used in the school setting, are maintained on file in the office and elsewhere in the building as necessary and readily available to any staff member who must handle such materials or who may have been exposed to such products.
All staff members are expected to conduct their work in compliance with first aid and infection control procedures established by TCS and the following safety rules:
- All injuries shall be reported immediately to the person in charge or other responsible representative of TCS.
- It is the duty of all employees to make full use of safeguards provided for their protection. It shall be the employee's responsibility to abide by and perform the following requirements:
- An employee shall not operate a machine unless guard or method of guarding is in good condition, working order, in place and operative;
- An employee shall stop the machine or moving parts and properly tag-out or lock-out the starting control before oiling, adjusting or repairing, except when such machine is provided with means of oiling or adjusting that will prevent possibility of hazardous contact with moving parts;
- An employee shall not remove guards or render methods of guarding inoperative except for the purpose of adjustment, oiling, repair or setting up a new job;
- Employees shall report to their supervisor any guard or method of guarding that is not properly adjusted or not accomplishing its intended function;
- Employees shall not use their hands or any portion of their bodies to reach between moving parts or to remove jams, hang-ups, etc. (Use hook, stick, tong, jig or other accessory.);
- Employees shall not work under objects being supported that could accidentally fall (such as loads supported by jacks, the raised body of a dump truck, etc.) until such objects are properly blocked or shored;
- Employees shall not use defective tools or equipment. No tool or piece of equipment should be used for nay purpose for which it is not suited and none should be abused by straining beyond its safe working load;
- Employees shall not remove, deface or destroy any warning, danger sign or barricade or interfere with any other form of accident prevention device or practice provided which they are using or which is being used by any other worker.
- Employees must not work underneath or over others thereby exposing them to a hazard without first notifying the other employee(s) or seeing that proper safeguards or precautions have been taken.
- Employees shall not work in unprotected, exposed or hazardous areas under floor openings.
- Long or unwieldy articles shall not be carried or moved unless adequate means of guarding or guiding are provided to prevent injury;
- Hazardous conditions or practices observed at any time shall be reported as soon as practicable to the person in charge or some other responsible representative of the employer.
- Employees observed working in a manner that might cause immediate injury to either themselves or other workers shall be warned of the danger.
- Before leaving a job, workers shall correct, or arrange to give warning of, any condition that might result in injury to others unfamiliar with existing conditions.
- Good housekeeping methods shall be observed in all operations. Materials shall be so handled and stored as to minimize falling, tripping or collision hazards.
- Working and storage areas and passageways shall be kept free of unnecessary obstructions. No loose object shall be placed in any area where its presence will necessitate employees crowding between such objects as moving machinery, steam pipes or other objects with which contact would be dangerous.
- Any materials that might cause an employee to slip or fall shall be removed from floors and other treading surfaces immediately or suitable means or methods shall be used to control the hazardous condition.
- All sharp, pointed or otherwise hazardous projections in work areas shall be removed or rendered harmless.
Staff Involvement In Community Activities
Staff Involvement In Decision Making
Staff members are encouraged to participate in the decision-making process whenever practicable. Staff may participate in such TCS and building activities as the establishment of TCS and building goals and objectives, curriculum revision and adoption, selection of instructional materials, budget and facility planning. Contact the building principal for additional information regarding possible building and TCS level committee work that may be available.
Staff/Parent Relations
TCS encourages parents to be involved in their student's school experience. Teachers are advised that unless otherwise ordered by the courts, an order of sole custody on the part of one parent does not deprive the other parent of certain rights. It is the responsibility of the parent with sole custody to provide to TCS any court order that curtails the rights of the non-custodial parent.
A non-custodial parent may receive and inspect the school records pertaining to their student and to consult with teachers concerning their student's welfare and education.
Non-custodial parents will not be granted visitation or telephone access to their student during the school day. Students may not be released to the non-custodial parent without the written permission of the parent having sole custody.
In the case of joint custody, it is the responsibility of the parents to provide TCS, in writing, any special requests or clarifications in areas concerning the student and TCS relationship and responsibilities. Such information will be maintained on file in the office and provided to staff as appropriate.
Staff members with questions regarding custodial and/or non-custodial parent rights with respect to particular students should contact the office.
Staff/Student Relations
Staff members shall maintain professional relationships with students at all times and develop wholesome and constructive relationships with them. Staff members shall be expected to regard each student as an individual and to accord each student the rights and respect that is his/her due.
Staff members shall promote a learning environment that encourages fulfillment of each student's potential in regard to his/her program, consistent with TCS goals and with optimal opportunities for students. This goal may be reached by adapting instruction to individual needs, by:
- Insisting on reasonable standards of scholastic accomplishment for all students.
- Creating a positive atmosphere in and out of the classroom.
- Extending the same courtesy and respect that is expected of students; and
- Treating all students with consistent fairness.
Staff members shall use good judgment in their relationships with students beyond their work responsibilities and/or outside the school setting and shall avoid excessive informal and social involvement with individual students. Any appearance of impropriety shall be avoided. Sexual relationships between
employees and students shall be prohibited.
Staff Room-Lounge
A staff room is provided for staff use during break, lunch and preparation periods as may be appropriate. All staff are expected to "pitch in" as needed, to help keep this gathering area clean and orderly. Personal items of value should not be left in the staff room. Staff members leaving such items in the staff room do so at their own risk.
Students are not permitted in the staff room.
Sunshine/Hospitality Committee
Supervision Of Students
Staff members are responsible for the supervision of all students while in school or engaged in schoolsponsored activities.
All teachers are expected to be in their classrooms prior to the arrival of students unless otherwise assigned. Under no circumstances are classrooms or other areas where students are under the supervision of assigned staff to be left unattended while students are present. Teachers who may need to temporarily leave the classroom or their assigned duties in an emergency situation while students are present are expected to contact the office to arrange for temporary coverage.
No other staff member may leave their assigned group unsupervised except as appropriate supervision arrangements have been made to take care of an emergency.
During school hours, or while engaged in school-sponsored activities, students may be released only into the custody of parents or other authorized persons.
Teaching About Religion
Religious education is the responsibility of the home and religious institutions. Public schools are obligated to maintain neutrality in all such matters.
However, as religion influences many areas of education such as literature and history, its role in civilization may be taught when consistent with curriculum and teaching assignment. In such instances, teachers may provide information and opportunity for students to study the forms of various religions.
Though teachers may be permitted to expose students to information concerning religious beliefs, teachers may not advocate, openly or covertly or by subtlety, a particular religion or religious belief.
Technology Resources
TCS computer systems and networks are any configuration of hardware and software. The systems and networks include all of the computer hardware, operating system software, stored text and data files. This includes electronic mail, local databases, externally accessed databases (such as the Internet), cloud storage, optical media, clip art, digital images, digitized information, communications technologies, and new technologies as they become available. TCS reserves the right to monitor all technology resource activity.
TCS technology resources will be used only for learning, teaching and administrative purposes consistent with TCS mission and its goals. Commercial use of TCS system is strictly prohibited.
Telephones are available throughout the building for staff convenience. Long distance calls for TCS business and personal use purposes may be placed from a telephone with an unrestricted line, located in the office. Staff members are responsible for all costs related to long distance calls made for personal use.
Tobacco-Free Environment
All uses of tobacco, electronic/battery operated devices, vapor products, and all other associated paraphernalia are prohibited in all of the school district's buildings and in all vehicles that are owned, leased, or operated by the district. Smoking and vaping shall be prohibited in any public seating areas including, but not limited to, bleachers used for sporting events or public restrooms.
Employees and students in the school district will not be permitted to use these products while they are participants in any class or activity in which they represent the school district.
Signs will be posted throughout the district's facilities to notify students, employees, and all other persons visiting the school that the use of these products is forbidden. The following notice shall be prominently posted (including at each ticket booth) for elementary or secondary school sporting events: Smoking is prohibited by law in seating areas and in restrooms.
No tutoring for which a staff member receives a fee is permitted in TCS schools or on school time and no TCS-owned materials or equipment may be used except as follows:
- Private lessons, such as music lessons and other enrichment activities that are clearly beyond the scope of the regular curriculum may be given for remuneration outside of school time and away from school buildings;
- Teachers may tutor for remuneration outside of normal school hours students eligible for homebound services according to TCS procedures.
- TCS authorized and/or sponsored programs.
Use Of Private Vehicles For TCS Business
Vacations and Holidays
Professional personnel vacation days and holidays are listed on the Board approved calendar each year.
Support personnel employed for twelve months shall earn ten (10) days of vacation time each year. The superintendent and immediate supervisor must approve the time of vacation.
Support personnel, if on active payroll at the time, shall be entitled to the following holidays:
- July 4
- Labor Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Christmas Day
- New Year’s Day
Equivalent days, as approved by the superintendent, may be taken when these days fall on weekends or school is in session.
TCS encourages the constructive participation of groups and individuals in the school to perform appropriate tasks during and after school hours under the direction and supervision of staff. Every effort should be made to use volunteer resources in a manner that will ensure maximum contribution to the welfare and educational growth of students.
Staff members interested in securing the services of a volunteer or with names of individuals expressing an interest in volunteering should contact the office.
The use of volunteers requires prior building principal approval.