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Assistant Commissioner of Coordinated School Health Visits REL
Tullahoma High School is part of Nissan Centers of Excellence
TCS Winter Weather Protocols
Challenging Students Today for a Limitless Tomorrow
Tullahoma City Schools (TCS) exists to provide an educational foundation for students to live with integrity and a life-long passion for learning by providing challenging and innovative experiences that support their academic, social, and emotional development.
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Robert E. Lee Elementary School welcomed the state’s Assistant Commissioner of Coordinated School Health, Lori Paisley, as she visited the campus on Wednesday to see Tennessee’s only All-Star School. In September, REL was one of 66 campuses nationwide and the only school in Tennessee to receive All-Star status as one of America’s Healthiest Schools for the 2023-2024 school year. While at REL, she visited several classrooms, including the Buddy Up program, where fifth-grade students spend time with kindergartners, aiding in different activities. She was also on hand for a lesson on healthy eating and nutrition and got to see the cadets from the High School JROTC program deliver a lesson on physical education. It made for a fun morning! At the end of her visit, she surprised school and district officials with a special banner.
Executives from Nissan visited Tullahoma High School on Nov. 4 to get a glimpse of what students have been working on in class. This summer, Nissan announced the launch of Centers of Excellence in Dechard, aimed at enhancing workforce development and supporting the growth of the automotive industry in the United States. The first class includes students from Tullahoma High School and three other high schools. The district is thankful for this partnership.
As winter approaches, Tullahoma City Schools wants to remind you of the district’s protocols regarding possible school closures in case of weather.
If the district needs to close or alter the regular school day, families and staff will be notified as soon as possible. This communication will come through several means, including a phone call. Please make sure your phone number in Skyward is updated if it has changed since the school year began. Additionally, any closures or changes will be updated on the district’s website and social media platforms, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. The district will also alert media outlets, including The Tullahoma News and Nashville TV stations, about any delays or closures impacting the school day. All closures or changes will be listed as Tullahoma City Schools.
As a district, TCS aims to make these decisions as soon as possible. However, that decision will sometimes not come until the early morning hours before the start of school or even in the middle of the school day if an early dismissal is necessary. Notifications will go out before 10 p.m. the night before or after 5 a.m. on any days that need to be altered.
Student safety is always a priority for TCS. If you, as a parent, feel it is unsafe for your child to attend school due to inclement weather, that decision is yours. However, all absences are recorded.
Tullahoma City Schools is dedicated to providing a curriculum that is marked by academic excellence, innovation, and creativity. By offering a dynamic, personalized education experience, we assist students in becoming life-long learners and being college and career ready.
Our school is known for our talented teachers and signature programs. Visit each school to gain more insight as to what makes our district truly unique.
Tullahoma City Schools is committed to providing an environment focused on the needs of our students and families.
Strategic Plan
After input from staff, parents, community members and students, the BOE has identified Facilities, Virtual programs, and School to Work Pathways as top priorities.
Every single staff member at TCS is instrumental to the district's success. Follow this link to view the organizational chart for the school district.